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  时间:2014-04-07 03:35:43 浏览:6220次  [回复] [引用回复]楼主
Restructuring your thoughts is an essential step in building a robust inner environment, but
 the outside world has the ability to come in and wipe out that inner strength if you aren’
t careful. Many of the thoughts that we have on a daily basis, whether positive or negative,
 are largely a result of the type of environment we are in most often. Take for example a ki
d that was raised by an abusive parent who always told him how worthless he was, or a kid wh
o was bullied his whole life. These are two example of people raised in a negative environme
nt with very little or no positive outside influence. Do you think these two people would ha
ve a positive outlook on life? It’s possible, but unlikely. Environment is everything. To b
uild extreme inner confidence, you must make an effort to surround yourself with positive pe
ople that think highly of you and encourage you often. This is not always easy in the world 
we live in, but it is crucial that you consciously decide to seek out a more positive enviro
nment for yourself.

Creating a positive environment sometimes means eliminating people from your life. From pers
onal experience, I can say that this is the most difficult but rewarding part of the journey
. It may not always be possible to eliminate the negative people from your life completely, 
such as in the case of those people being family members or people you live with, but it is 
important that you reduce the amount of time you spend with people that radiate negative ene
rgy. If you have a certain friend or family member that seems to always doubt or criticize y
ou in some way, tell them politely that you are trying to make positive changes in your life
 and would appreciate it if they would encourage your or say nothing at all. It is likely th
at they will get the hint and start to change their attitude towards you, but it is also pos
sible they will begin to resent you for speaking out against them. The way people react will
 vary greatly, but if they react with more negativity, consider drastically reducing the amo
unt of time you spend with them or cutting them out of your life completely. This can be a d
ifficult process, but remember, optimism and positive energy in massive quantities is requir
ed for you to achieve the extreme confidence, success, and peace of mind that you desire. An
yone who drains you of that positive energy is directly interfering with the process of you 
becoming that person.

It has been said many times by many successful people that you are the average of the five p
eople you spend the most time with. I have found this to be absolutely true. I cannot stress
 enough the importance of choosing who you spend your time with wisely. The people you inter
act with are constantly giving off a certain type of energy that directly affects your own e
nergy. Thoughts and emotions are things. When someone has negative thoughts or emotions, the
y radiate from them as a form of physical energy that directly affects those around them. Ch
oose your friends wisely so that you are always surrounded with positive energy. Choose frie
nds that possess the qualities you wish to have. You will be inspired and motivated by them 
to become a stronger version of yourself.

Practice cultivating inner confidence by restructuring your thoughts, but also have the awar
eness to shape your outer environment in a way that supports you. Master your inner and oute
r environment, and you will guarantee your own success.

I would like to conclude this chapter with a quote by Gordon B. Hinckley that I found very f
itting. “What I am suggesting is that each of us turn from the negativism that permeates ou
r society and look for the remarkable good among those with whom we associate, that we speak
 of one another’s virtues more than we speak of one another’s faults, that optimism replac
e pessimism, that our faith exceed our fears. When I was a young man and was prone to speak 
critically, my father would say: “Cynics do not contribute, skeptics do not create, doubter
s do not achieve.”

Norton, Beau (2013-12-15).

※ 来源:未名交友 http://www.JiaoYou8.com ※

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