评论于:2008-05-18 02:11:30   [评论]
woodiepacker :请允许我代表灾区人民感谢你的关心和援助!目前,我们的生活一切正常,只是偶尔余震的时候,
评论于:2008-05-16 21:08:54   [评论]
sweet pumpkin, is that resent earthquake turn your life up side down? long line in gasoline stat
ion, not enough supply in supermarket, airport closed for regular fly.... read these news from t
housands miles away, kind of feel down, I am sure everything will getting better soon. Did a dec
ent donation, wish can be there to rescue the children, donate my blood or do something.......wi
sh pumpkin's happiness, like the sunshine, to be shared by all needed to cheer them up......
评论于:2008-02-26 15:28:04   [评论]
dear pumpkin, do you think it is a good idea to share your progress of your study right here? st
udy like row your boat against the current, when you take a break, it goes backward....you know 
what I mean....A happy life need a good balance, alone health, family, religious, wealth, friend
ship, assertive, happy attitude.....we all need to put effort to develop ourself......you alread
y have many of them, keep your happy attitude and keep working on your happy life.....
评论于:2008-01-25 11:31:11   [评论]
评论于:2008-01-22 23:11:14   [评论]
dear pumpkin, "Famous teacher make a great apprentice!" In old China, what a stdent do to pay re
spect to their teacher?......ok, shall we start now?  Vocabulary is the fondation, like build a 
skyscraper, it must be deep. Go buy 1,000 index cards about picture size and a dictionary for ch
ildren. In regular dictionary, all important words are marked with a star. Vocabulary can be fou
nd easy in newspaper, magazine and in life. Write these vocabularies in front of a card and it's
 meaning on the back. One word a crd. You decide how many words you prefer to learn every week. 
Bundle these cards with a rubber band. Where and when to study these cards? any place when you h
ave couple of minutes. How to study these cards? put the words you know in one pile, the words y
ou don't know in other. For example, you start a plie of 50 cards in first path, 30 pased, you p
ut them in a successful pile, you have 20 to study on second path, you learned another 10, you h
ave 10 more to go. after you pass all 50 words, you put all 50 cards together, try again, usuall
y it take 6 to 7 try to remember all words and you can pass it all in one time.  Do it slow, but
 don't stop. learn 5 to 10 words a day is a good start. 6 days a week, sunday, make up the day y
ou miss and review all these words, end of month, review all words you leaned in this month, now
 they all your new friends........action speak louder for itself........
评论于:2008-01-20 06:51:08   [评论]
To woodiepacker:呵呵!原来是这样,不好意思!我很愿意学好英语,真的有捷径啊?
评论于:2008-01-17 21:27:42   [评论]
Silly waiting pumpkin, your silly question is as silly as your waiting Grow up as a Chinese, wit
h 100% chinese blood running through my vein, may change shape and form to adapt to environment 
outside, but inside? same color when you open a pumpkin, 100% chinese golden yellow, if you coul
d cut me open..........used to write chinese poems, match phases, make nice articles.......do yo
u think I can write? not wrote very vell on paper, but can write beautiful pieces, prefer to wri
te in Chinese, but can not input it in my computer.........anyway, English become an internation
al language today, if you have time, would you learn it for me? so we can talk better....I will 
teach you a short cut to make it very easy........
评论于:2008-01-16 13:31:01   [评论]
To woodiepacker:尽管把眼睛睁得老大,但我的英文水平还不能把你的文章看懂,呵呵,见笑了!你会写中文吗?
评论于:2008-01-11 18:57:12   [评论]
If life is a journey for sweet pumpkin, doesn't matter you take an express or a local train, I k
now your destination, wish you have a nice view on your trip, nice stop on each station named ho
pe, happiness, kindness, sweetness, responsibility........have a nice trip and enjoy your life.
评论于:2008-01-01 07:11:03   [评论]
To woodiepacker:我没有尝试过那么多人一起庆祝新年,当新年钟声敲响,万众欢腾,势必激动人心。当然少
评论于:2007-12-28 21:45:16   [评论]
happy pumpkin, every new year eve, there is a million people party in Time Square to watch a big
 apple light drop, and celabrate a new year to come, love to go with you, without you, apple lig
ht is not that bright, wild party is not that much fun any more, I am going to stay at home to  
dream, with a pillow on my head, fantasize with you in Time Square, watch a big happy pumpkin li
ght drop.......to celabrate our new year......pumpkin, do you like to party with a million or ce
labrate with one who is one out of a million.......?
评论于:2007-12-28 21:24:18   [评论]
dear pumpkin, love the articles you wrote, now I start to realize where your source of joy come 
from, the answer is, there is a child live in your heart, so pure and sincerely happy, happiness
 is contageous! it's a rare asset, wish you keep that way as long as possible, real happy in 200
评论于:2007-12-23 07:01:05   [评论]
To woodiepacker:谢谢:)圣诞快乐!!!
评论于:2007-12-18 19:18:08   [评论]
sweet pumpkin,  Do you know what is a Jack lantern? It's a lovely pumpkin light, every late year
 around Halloween, havest a big pumpkin from a farm, carve it with eyes and teeth, light a small
 pink candle inside........ now, with your picture, I can make a better one next year, with a mu
ch sweeter smile, how sweet it is? sweet as a piece of chocolate! If you still don't know how sw
eet it is, just look and feel the picture above.......


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