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内心独白:a fun person
评论于:2007-07-26 13:45:30   [评论]
007,  Thanks for your answers. I have to make me clear I didn't mean one will not have hobbies i
f he takes his job as a hobby.  There are many examples which can prove this. I just said I don'
t have such a friend and I just curious about the person you mentioned.  It is good you gave me 
two examples. As I said before it was great. It is very good for you and your friend. I hope I c
an do that because it will definitely make me more happier.  As for living an efficient life,  I
 still don't quite understand how to achieve it.  I guess I have to try it first, then figure ou
t how.  Lastly I never think you inmature.  I think you are quite logical.
评论于:2007-07-25 09:29:33   [评论]
Winter1a--------------first to answer your question, my friend does have other hobbies besides h
is work :) which are, i believe more than one. in fact, i gradually became one of those who enjo
y work as a hobby myself. yes, i do work for money. but that's not the most important. in some s
ense i'm lucky that i don't have to feed others but myself. that gives me a bit freedom to choos
e the job i like more, instead of that pays more... okay, i'd better stop being talkative :) to 
live an efficient life is a goal that i'm trying towards. i don't know how others do. i'd rather
 take things simple. think what i want, evaluate what i'll gain and lose... once decide, go for 
it. i may make mistakes and in fact i did, a lot :P but no regret... feel free to call me inmatu
re or whatever :P
评论于:2007-07-24 16:09:42   [评论]
Hi, 007,
It would be great if one can make his job as his hobby.  Just curious about any other hobbies yo
ur friend have except for his job.  To be frank with you, none of my friend think his (her) job 
as a hobby.  They all (including me) think their jobs are something they have to do for their sa
I hope I can live more efficiently, but it seems not that easy, at least to me.  To work efficie
ntly at company is much more easier to understand.  Most people know how to do it.  It is worthy
 to discuss more about how to live more efficiently.  People normally want their life to be happ
y, fun, stress-free,  leisurely...., but how to more efficiently live their lives? Hopefully I c
an get some answers next time.  Just please give me an example how.  Thanks!
评论于:2007-07-23 10:59:55   [评论]
Winter1a--------------well, i wouldn't comment on if my boss is highly demanding. i'd say, my jo
b nature probably is. of course i'm not as busy as a wallstreeter :) and most of time i think i'
m fine. but i am busier than some others. sometimes i complain :) sometimes i dream of retiring 
:) but as i seriously think, i still like my job and i'd like to stay on it for a few years... a
 friend said he's made his job his hobby. that's not too bad, is it? :) life's busy. i'm trying 
to live it more efficiently :) running to a meeting... ttyl.
评论于:2007-07-19 13:40:03   [评论]
Hi, 007, Actually I also like my job. I will not change my major in the rest of my life.  What I
 don't like is the pressure created from the work. I guess you don't have a highly demanding bos
s.  That's a different story. You are right there are so many different interesting things.  We 
just don't have enough time. That's why I tried to find something more interesting and can enjoy
 it everyday.  Thanks for answering. 
评论于:2007-07-16 15:09:35   [评论]
harbibi - i thought you wrote about (female leo + male scorpio) combo. or i got it wrong? to ans
wer your question, i'm scorpio, a typical one. 
评论于:2007-07-16 15:07:11   [评论]
winter1a - thanks for sharing. well, if i'm busy :P as always :P i seldom get bored... there are
 so many interesting things in life, i wish i had 36 hours a day! but the fact is, i have only 2
4 hours a day and the majority is spent at work... fortunately my work hasn't bored me, yet :)
评论于:2007-07-14 19:00:22   [评论]
I am Leo.
and you?
评论于:2007-07-06 11:48:22   [评论]
Hi, 007, Haven't talk with you for a while.  Also have't heard anything from you. How's going? B
usy? I guess.  People often say either busy or boring, at least for me.  I used to feel quite bu
sy during week day and kind of boring after work (or weekend).  Now I can say I don't feel that 
way any more at least now.  I try contol and slow down my pace during worktime. I also feel happ
ier than before since I started attending dancing classes a couple of months ago.  Now I found a
t least several my friends and couples also like dacing.  Of course they started much earlier th
an me.  I also found there are so many dancing classes offered in NJ, particularly in Chinese sc
hool,  just less than $100 for one semester (4 months).  Also lots of dancing parties are availa
ble at weekend.  Even some local churches offer dancing parties. At first I want to stop practic
ing dancing as soon as my allergy is over.  Now I have to say I cannot quit.  It has so much fun
.  I just like it. For "Salsa" you can even dance for your own if no partner available. 20 minut
es can enogh make you sweat and make your heartbeat fast enogh to meet the standard for "Cardio"
 excercise.  I now understand why lots of  Amigo or Mexico people appear quite happy.  Most of t
hem are not very rich or educated but they feel happy and heathy. I guess dancing (Latin dances)
 and music have much positive effects on them.  Sorry for talking too much. Hopefully someday yo
u will like to learn dacing and enjoy it. You actually don't need a partner to start with becaus
e they always make turn and switch partners during classes.   Have a great weekend!
评论于:2007-06-14 10:05:03   [评论]
hi, thepastime, i've never tried sailing. it sounds fun :) are you taking any classes?


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