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内心独白:snail and his heavy shell
评论于:2010-10-17 05:46:55   [评论]
Thanks for dropping by. hope the year for you is still...wonderful so far  :-)
评论于:2010-01-05 18:35:34   [评论]
Thank you, Adidie!  My new year starts from yesterday...wonderful so far. Wish you a great year!
评论于:2009-12-29 19:04:46   [评论]
Great defense! :)

May you rise to the new heights of success
May the dreams of your eyes come alive
And may each step in this New Year
Bring smiles to you
评论于:2009-12-16 22:45:39   [评论]
If "有则改之,无则加勉" is your ground, if "给天下人:-)" describes your subjects , I forgive you
r rudeness and aggression. If your facts were a little closer to being right, I wouldn't this mu
ch consider you wrong. For medicine, for science, for business or for your everyday life, know y
our facts and be true. 
评论于:2009-12-16 14:34:20   [评论]

i do not know you at all.  i just 浏览 your profile and made the comments.  毫无指责之意.
评论于:2009-12-15 23:22:16   [评论]
Yes, I agree, Jasmineatl. there are married men looking for affairs on the internet which are ve
ry disgusting. If by these comments you are still expressing your suspicion, then be it. You are
 entitled to your thoughts.  I can honestly say that I have had no affairs in my life or sought 
any. And I do care that people who got to know me, online or in real life know that it true.  I 
feel comfortable to ask anybody men or women to speak up and testify if they feel I ever disresp
ected them or flirted with them or tried to develop any immoral affairs with them. I am not tryi
ng to convince you of anything nor do I care to. the point I want to make is, it is within peopl
e's right of free speech to keep information open, closed or open but only to a selected few.   
Far from being perfectly perfect, but I take pride to stay perfectly honest. So unfortunately, I
 don't buy your insinuation, if that was why you left the message, if that was how you meant it,
 good will intended or not.  I love one line from 北岛,  perhaps the only thing I have about the
 guy,  "卑鄙是卑鄙者的通行证,高尚是高尚者的墓志铭". Hope I can share this with you.  It was an 
old Chinese courtesy that "己欲立而立人, 己欲达而达人, 己所不欲勿施于人" We all long for respect
s. Maybe we should start by respecting others.  I felt slightly offended by your comments or acc
usation before, especially since you know nothing about me what so ever. I do understand however
, because we do not even know each other, you were just acting to support what you believe. Bles
s your heart, but I still reserve my right to choose what information to provide and when. That 
said, your points are taken and you are definitely welcome to comment on any other things in my 
profile, of course, should you care to. I hope I had made myself clear. From this message on for
ward, I hope this becomes a moot point and we can move on.  Thanks again, for spending time on m
y profile and for making suggestions. Good luck in Jiaoyou8.
评论于:2009-12-15 21:37:37   [评论]
there are married men looking for affairs on the internet which is very disgusting
评论于:2009-12-15 21:00:26   [评论]
great lines, Jasmineatl. But what if your hypothesis were wrong? Thanks for the suggestions none
评论于:2009-12-15 13:07:55   [评论]
ok, i did not notice that you are just looking for a regular friend at the beginning

if you tell people that you are married and have kids, it shows that you are honest and responsi
ble.  it adds credits to you.

评论于:2009-12-13 14:18:20   [评论]
jasmineatl, thanks for stopping by. some of your statement is not true but I will address your q
uestion. Unlike some other people here who are looking for a life long partner or something simi
lar, I am here to seek somebody with whom I can be friend and share some thought,  and be perfec
tly happy if the relationship only goes that far. If I were to be lucky, I wish I'd know somebod
y who can help my decision making and who can give me good advices about career or about life. O
bviously, I wish I could offer the same but certainly I will with my best efforts try to. I have
 my own reasons which I don't mind sharing so long as I do not need to sort of "publish" it. Sor
ry if there were some confusions, and thanks for hopefully making my profile more clear. I hope 
this answers your question.  Regards.


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