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评论于:2015-03-28 03:34:42   [评论]
评论于:2015-01-19 21:24:32   [评论]
英国骗子 书信内容
 楼主:Cathy_liu2012 时间:2012-09-15 22:14:06 点击:4357 回复:70    

  Thanks for the email and the picture that you send for me, thanks for telling me more about 
yourself., It is my pleasure to hear from you thanks a lot, how are you doing today? hope you ar
e doing great.... I appreciate your response and i do hope that things will works out for us, we
 need the basic understanding and we must be honest to each other, and then communicate regularl

  My late father was also an Marine Engineer and he once worked in the sea just like me but he
 died on the course of his work in Indian ocean when he went there to repair one of the companie
s ship, this bad incidence also led to my mother's untimely death, because she collapsed whenthe
 news was brought to her and she later died after 10days. Since i have been alone. I don’t real
ly keep relative communication for now.

  Well to tell you more about my work... i have been working since graduation, my first job wa
s with Schlumberger, a German oil company and i worked the longest time there, finally in 2001, 
i decided to establish myself as an independent contractor. I normally signed contract with diff
erence Oil Company with various country. I do hire some engineers for assistance during the peri
od of my contract. I Build an oil well on the Sea and then supply them with anti-Marine Chemical
 after building the Oil well. i will receive payment from the company afterthe work have been co
mpleted and i will pay the hired engineers.

  I came from Nottingham, I finished my studies here in UK. I studies marine engineering in th
e university with specialization oil drilling and ship maintenance. My dream is to have a happy 
home in days of future with someone I love. Feel free to ask me more questions if you feel like.
 do reply me and have a nice day.

  Your Forever,
  Patrick Lucas.
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