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评论于:2009-12-21 16:42:23   [评论]
Just saw your comments here so sorry for late response.

Why coming here? a good question. Maybe it is not a good idea to discuss love topic here. In my 
journal, I already express this point and I will stop coming here once I finish the remaining pi

Communication is not teaching, and I do learn some different perspectives from those comments. T
hose comments give me a chance to re-valuate my thought. Even your comment gives me a good under
standing of my purpose here.

As for marriage or not, I will tell another story. I do know some single guys in this city. One 
day I ask a guy, why don't you marry? then I am surprised by his answer.

he looked at me in a very confused way and said "why marry?only stupid person want to marry". At
 that point, I know that for some people, marriage is a choice. 

By telling this story, I just mean this world has all kinds of persons, purpose, meanings and va
lues. My words already strongly indicate my reasons coming here and I am not seeking marriage. I
 just want to know more about myself and this world. Not only through my eyes, but also through 
your eyes.

(I notice that you have many bible related journals, and you also extract some marriage related 
lines. Good to know that you use bible as your marriage guidance)


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