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ddlookforyou 评论于2013-06-17 13:33:58
want to travel recently? maybe I can...
loyteitei 评论于2012-12-28 14:26:45
Did you travel any where lately?
海冷 评论于2012-10-28 13:57:15
r u really 97?
loyteitei 评论于2012-09-10 10:54:42
Not just sweet, warm too. Hope to ge...
海冷 评论于2012-09-09 12:56:26
haha.....that's so sweet......
loyteitei 评论于2012-08-28 10:43:20
Getting cold without your visit, lik...
loyteitei 评论于2012-08-17 09:13:17
Forget about the bottle, you need so...
loyteitei 评论于2012-08-03 08:15:05
Are you trying to excommunicate me?
loyteitei 评论于2012-07-28 15:12:52
Cheer to the discovery!
海冷 评论于2012-07-13 18:20:24
LOL.....you are right....i feel cool...
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