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pandaponders ( 男 , 65 )
地区: 加拿大, 多伦多地区
作者: pandaponders, 俱乐部:海外游子 [引文评论] [评论
时间: 2008-08-14 11:35:06, 来源:未名交友
标题: 奥运的中国特色

By natural extension of the reasonings of these people, should those in power that do not have good looks be removed from office because when they represent China, the images have to be perfect?

To me, the dignity of an innocent, sweet girl has been violated thanks to the stupidity of these people, hence the image of the country has been tarnished, the very "perfect" image they try to create.

And China should kneel down in front of foreign powers and kiss their asses in order to pretend that China is still the "sick man of East Asia"  because the image of the Chinese dragon will scare their foreign "masters" and China should change or totally ban her national anthem.

These people clearly have an inferior mentality.




  “这是一个国家的利益,国家的文化、国家的音乐文化的一个形象,然后我们做了这个选择。 ”
《我和你》的作者陈其钢透露, "这次创意实际上不是为了主题歌写的,而是为了国旗入场。国旗入场要表现很强大的民族形象,我们希望让全世界的人看到中国国旗入场的时候,不要觉得现在中国强大了,令他们有压力。。。。。。不要有压迫感,不要那么咄咄逼人。不要一个进行曲“顺拐”就进来了。所以,导演建议做一首比较抒情的歌曲。


※ 来源:Unknown Friends - 未名交友 http://us.jiaoyou8.com ※
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